Jet pump (air and water)



Supervised by:

أ.د. السيد صابر

أ.د. كمال عبد العزيز

د. رولا عفيفى



محمد احمد محمد جابر ياقوت   

نور الدين احمد منصور         

محمود احمد محمد الحداد       

مختار صلاح اللدين مدكور



In order to understand jet pump and build a prototype, its principles had to be understood besides its advantages and disadvantages, how it performs by reading on studied graphs and data and last but not least its types and applications.

A jet pump is a mechanical machine. Its operation is based on Bernoulli’s principle, which states that an increase in the speed of a fluid is accompanied by a decrease in its pressure. A nozzle in the jet pump converts the pressurized, slow-moving power fluid into a fast-moving fluid. There are two inlets used to extract a constant flow of liquid. Pressure is used to produce such a suction lift. The mixture of the velocity and the inlet pressure of the fluids cause the medium to flow out of the pit, storage tank, or well through the pump up to the outlet point. Shallow well jet pump are suitable for reservoirs or wells with a total pump height of no more than 5.5 meters.

After a proper theoretical analysis, this project’s prototype will have a foundation to hold all of tools and equipment’s. A motor will draw water from a tank and directs it to the jet pump. Then, the jet pump will draw water from the other tank (which represents the well) through the suction section and out from the nozzle then drop into delivery tank. Testing the pressures, volumes and mass flow rate of the jet pump and tanks will be made.


Final      Book           Pdf              Presentation



Principle of Jet pump

Performance curves

Types and Applications

Two-phase flow