Turbulent Flow Models (ME864)

د. رولا عفيفى



Week no. #1:   Introduction

Week no. #2:   Physics of Turbulence

Week no. #3:   The smallest scales of Turbulence

Week no. #4:   The law of the wall & Power Laws

Week no. #5:   A brief history of Turbulence modeling

Week no. #6:  The Closure Problem

Week no. #7:   7th week evaluation.

Week no. #8:   Reynolds Averaged Equations

Week no. #9:   The scales of Turbulence

Week no. #10:  Two-Points Correlation Tensor and Related Scales

Week no. #11:   Introduction to One-Equation and Two-Equations Models

Week no. #12:   12th week evaluation.

Week no. #13:   One-Equation Models

Week no. #14:   Two-Equations models

Week no. #15:   Closure Coefficients



ME864 Sheet 1

ME864 Sheet 2

ME864 Sheet 3